Oral Health Education Grants
Transforming oral health through collaboration, innovation, education, and service.
Each year, Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation (DDARF) supports initiatives that prioritize oral health issues through education and treatment. We are committed to health equity and encourage community-based programs in Arkansas to apply for grants for programs designed to improve oral health.
Launched in 2008, the Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation’s Oral Health Education Grant funding opportunity is an annual investment designed to partner with organizations addressing oral health by serving communities throughout the state of Arkansas. We support initiatives that prioritize prevention of oral health issues through education and treatment and are committed to health equity.
Grant Overview
Oral Health Education Grants seek to increase oral health knowledge and empowerment through community partnerships that reach underserved, uninsured, and/or underinsured Arkansas residents of all ages, ethnicities, genders, and socio-economic statuses in Arkansas.
- Oral Health Education Grants range from $2,500 up to $30,000 per organization
- Applicants must be an Arkansas-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit, government agency, school, or charitable dental treatment facility - we do not provide grants to individuals
- Applications are accepted on a rolling basis year-round and subject to DDARF Board approval quarterly
- Oral Health Education Grant funding is for one calendar year
- Eligible organizations may submit only one Community Education Grants proposal per year
- Funding requests must have an oral health impact and benefit underserved, uninsured, and/or uninsured Arkansans
- Oral Health Education Grant programs must use evidence-based programming with a process for measuring any change in oral health knowledge and/or behavior (such as a pre and post-program assessment). See Grant Guidelines for more details.
2024 - 2025 Oral Health Education Submission Deadlines
Grant-Making Focus
Oral Health Education Grants seek to improve oral health care through funding innovative educational programs that build the following healthy habits:

Brushing Teeth
Flossing Teeth
Visiting a Dentist
Funding Guidelines
Who/What We Fund:
DDARF will prioritize grant requests that incorporate the following (as applicable):
- A clear oral health focus
- A project plan detailing how and when the program will be carried out and who will be responsible for each task
- Active collaboration among organizations, schools, and/or healthcare providers
- Inclusion of diverse groups led by individuals who reflect the community being served
- Referral protocols that link individuals needing dental care with a source of dental care
- Wrap-around support that link participants to other social services
- Initiation of oral health programs in counties where none or few exist
- Previously funded organizations that have submitted complete Interim and Final Reports (final reports for previously funded programs must be submitted before a new application is made)
Funds May Be Used For:
Typically Not Funded:
All Project Proposals Should Include:
- A thoroughly complete application
- Complete Implementation Plan (template included in application)
- Complete Budget Form and Narrative (template included in application)
- Identify funding already secured or solicited
- Evaluation Information
- Programs should have the ability to monitor, assess, and document the impact of the change(s) being sought, strategies being used, and the progress being made.
- Data collection from participants is essential. Please include a detailed explanation of what data you collect from those you serve (i.e., pre/post-project surveys, in-take forms, patient progress tracking records, etc.) and the change in knowledge and/or behavior that occurred as a result of your program.
Feel free to use this Oral Health Pre and Post Program Survey and modify it as needed. - Describe how your project will lead to knowledge, social and/or behavioral change for participants related to brushing, flossing, and seeing a dentist.
- Preference will be given to education programs using evidence-based approaches; click here for a list of evidence-based Oral Health Care resources.
If you have any questions about our grants, send an email to foundation@deltadentalar.com.
Because we know the kind of investment required for these proposals, we do our best to make sure that re-application is as easy as possible.
Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications we receive, we are not able to provide individual feedback on applications.