See You in September—the Slowest Month at the Dentist’s Office

Posted Jan 2022

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

Tagged diseases, tooth decay, cavities, checkup, preventive care visit, professional cleaning, slow month, September, dentist’s appointment

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See You in September—the Slowest Month at the Dentist’s Office

September is the slowest month for many dentists—the best time to schedule your appointment.

Nobody likes to sit around in the dentist’s waiting room, so here is an insider tip: Schedule one of your semi-annual preventive care appointments for September.

Why See the Dentist in September?

September tends to be a slow month for many dentists, perhaps even the slowest. Why? Families start the school year and need time to settle into their new routines. Or they prefer to enjoy the last few summer days in their backyard rather than the dentist’s chair. The result: Dentists tend to see fewer patients in September.

That’s your chance. Seize it. Make an appointment with your dentist for sometime in September to get a professional cleaning and checkup, and X-rays if you are due.

It’s a win-win-win situation:

  1. You’ll most likely experience short wait times.
  2. Your dentist will probably have more time for you to discuss your oral health and hygiene habits and answer your questions or concerns.
  3. If you have school-age children, they’ll benefit from that all-important back-to-school exam. The dentist can detect and treat any emerging dental issues before they turn into painful dental problems that cause your child to be distracted in class or even absent from school.


When to Schedule the Second Semi-Annual Dentist Appointment

In general, dental experts recommend two preventive care visits per year, spaced approximately six months apart.

So if one of our appointments is in September, schedule the other one for sometime in March.

Careful: Watch Your Timing!

Please note that some dental insurance companies require the preventive care appointments to be at least six months apart to be covered at little to no cost to you. Others have more flexible policies and will cover two preventive care visits per calendar year with no timing restraints. Check your schedule of benefits and comply with the guidelines to avoid unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses.

No Problems, No Dental Visits?

Your daily brushing and flossing habits may be top-notch, you eat a healthy diet, and you don’t notice any dental pain. Do you still need to schedule preventive care visits?

Yes. Congratulations on your excellent oral hygiene and healthy eating. You’re doing the right things. But you should still plan to visit your dentist regularly. Three main reasons:

  1. Professional cleanings are more effective than even the best brushing at home.
  2. The dental exam can reveal developing tooth decay and gum disease even before you notice any discomfort or bleeding. Early treatment of these issues is easier and less costly than more involved procedures later on.  
  3. Your dentist can discover signs of more than 120 diseases, some serious, during a dental exam. The first symptoms of heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure and other conditions are often detected in the mouth. Seeing a dentist can literally save your life.


See You as a Member of Our Delta Dental Family?

Delta Dental of Arkansas has offered affordable health and vision insurance plans since 1982. Consider joining us. Check out our plans with different schedules of benefits and coverage options for individuals, families and groups. You can even enroll online or call our friendly customer care representatives at 844-368-6484 (individuals and families) or 800-462-5410 (groups).

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