Dreams About Teeth Falling Out? A Common Dream Decoded

Posted Oct 2019

By Delta Dental of Arkansas

Tagged appearance, grinding, anxiety, nightmares, Teeth falling out, teeth falling out dream, dreams about teeth, dream about losing teeth

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Dreams About Teeth Falling Out? A Common Dream Decoded 

Do dreams of our teeth falling out having meaning? A team of researchers set off to find out.

Statistics tell us that many people dream about their teeth falling out. Talk about a nightmare. 

You’ve probably had dreams about showing up to work naked or free-falling a massive drop, but a 2012 study showed that as many as 39 percent of people have had dreams about losing teeth.

According to the dream interpretation website DreamMoods.com, those dreams could have several reasons, such as:


Experiencing A Transition

Teeth first appear when you’re a baby, fall out as you get older, and then grow back again during adolescence. So, it makes sense that when we dream of our teeth, those dreams serve as a parallel to transitional phases in our lives. Your dream may be a sign you’re evolving as a person—either physically, emotionally, or both.

Lacking Self-Esteem

Many people experiencing poor oral health often feel insecure about their appearance, their ability to chew and eat, or even their ability to speak. Missing teeth dreams could also represent this anxiety.

Afraid of Being A Fool

Some interpretations say dreams about losing teeth are related to feeling unprepared or worried about scenarios that would embarrass you.

Do these dreams predict your teeth falling out?

Not necessarily, though an oral health conversation with a professional never hurts.

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Some researchers set out to provide empirical evidence for the psychological reason behind this prevalent dream. Although they discovered that stressors and psychological distress can be a cause for grinding teeth at night, they could not demonstrate wasn’t a correlation between stress and dreaming of your teeth falling out.

However, researchers did see a relationship between “dental irritation” during sleep and teeth dreams. This means that people who awoke with “tension in the teeth, gums, or jaw” were more likely to have dreams about their teeth.

The study concluded that more research is needed. But, it is possible that those dreams go hand in hand with physical conditions like bruxism that happen simultaneously.

Keep in mind that the meaning of our dreams meaning is defined by you and your experiences. Somebody else might have a similar dream and interpret it very differently.


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